The Project Management program, a Bac+5 level diploma from IAE de Metz, in partnership with ESCA Executive Education, provides participants with the appropriate professional skills to manage activities designed and managed in project mode.
The program aims to equip participants with the skills needed to transform projects into drivers of performance and value creation for both internal and external stakeholders.
Through this program, you will develop the specific skills allowing the project to become a device for operationalizing organizational strategy as well as an environment favorable to a balance between financial and social/societal performance (corporate social responsibility).

- 1 ou 2 années
Start date
- November 1, 2024
- French
Acquired Skills
Why Choose this program
To create Value
The Master in Project Management provides you with the expertise to navigate diverse project environments, understand varying interests and objectives, adopt result-oriented approaches, implement processes that ensure project success, manage risks, and enhance your decision-making skills.
While project management relies on operational processes, it is increasingly recognized as integral to value creation.

To broaden your vision
Today, project management is no longer done in a marginal and isolated manner, but is integrated into an ecosystem by incorporating all project stakeholders and its impact from the outset. CSR, financial performance, are all factors to take into account.
This Executive Master in project management trains you in optimal project management, putting operational management at the service of the overall effectiveness of the project.

To Become a Leader
Managing a project means embracing leadership and driving a transformative shift.
The Executive Master in Project Management offers comprehensive methodological tools and approaches to successfully execute all types of projects, incorporating technical, organizational, and human elements.
This program will enable you to assume greater responsibilities in business management by enhancing your leadership skills.

Program Structure
Project initiation
Operational project management
Control tools & support
Behavior & communication of project stakeholders
Institutionalization & Development of project management
Project management in a specific environment - Case studies
Discover the Project Management Executive Master of IAE Metz
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ApplyNos lauréats témoignent
Returning to school after two decades of professional life was both a challenge and an opportunity. I was both anxious and afraid to return to this path which seemed so far behind me, especially with the intensive mode and the particularities of the Human Resources Management program... ESCA Ecole de Management and its partner were able to create the material and pedagogical conditions necessary for participants' success. From the very first sessions, fear and anxiety were gradually transformed into fulfillment and motivation. The teaching staff, made up of prestigious lecturers brilliantly combining pedagogy, theory, expertise and experience, friendliness and availability, come from diverse backgrounds and nationalities: doctoral researchers, coaches, experts and renowned professionals... All the ingredients are in place for learning in a stimulating environment of exchange and reflection.
Sabrine Zahroubane
Thanks to a competent teaching staff, a professional administrative team and an inspiring president, I acquired all the skills I needed to quickly enter the professional world. After graduating with a Master's degree in marketing and communications, I started my career as a project manager in a communications agency, where I worked for 1 year. Today, and for the past 3 years, I've been Associate Director of a digital communications agency.
Directrice associée de l'agence Digital & Creativity
Abdelmoughit Khiri
My years at ESCA EM can be summed up in a single phrase: “a transformational experience”. Thanks to the many opportunities available on campus, I was able to get involved in community life where I developed not only my professional skills but also my soft skills such as communication and teamwork, both nationally and internationally, particularly in my case in Africa, Europe and China. I went from being a shy but ambitious young man with potential to a Marketing and Communication laureate, a Manager Leader in his company and a testament to a great learning and improvement experience. Today, thanks to the recognition of the ESCA Ecole de Management diploma, I can pursue my dream of completing my research work within the framework of a doctorate. Thank you to everyone behind this once-in-a-lifetime experience
Lead manager, OBAMOTORS
Rayhane TIQEN
With the aim of turning us into top managers, ESCA EM's program combines theory and practice. We had a good combination of academic professors and practitioners from the professional world who held positions of responsibility. This balance of profiles in the teaching staff gave us an excellent opening onto the business world, while at the same time giving us a solid theoretical grounding. The courses and internships, as well as the quality and pedagogy of the teaching staff, made us love a profession, much more than a diploma, while cultivating in us the ambition and desire to constantly evolve in order to do better. The technical, communication and managerial skills acquired during my training have enabled me to carry out my current professional obligations with a great deal of serenity. My time at ESCA EM has undoubtedly been the most productive and fulfilling period of my life.
Consultante Audit junior, Deloitte Nearshore
Jaz Nur
The decision to come to Morocco as a choice of host country for exchange was not an easy one. This was because of people’s general perception of Morocco being an unsafe country to live in. As a rule, I choose not to believe « hearsay » from others especially when they have not actually visited the country itself. Hence, I was still determined to pursue my exchange programme in Casablanca with ESCA. I came with an open mind and little expectations. Casablanca has always been a place that interests me for years. This inquisition was fueled by the Hollywood movie « Casablanca ». I became further curious after a few of seniors I know did their exchange program in Morocco with Esca. To say the least, Morocco has broaden my perspectives about the world economy in the African market. The case studies taught in Esca helped fuel my understanding of the emerging market that has an interesting demography which poses both challenges and opportunities for businesses. The whole experience in Morocco has been fulfilling. There is so many cities to see with so many differing cultures. there are definitely shortcomings about Morocco when compared to first world countries. Nevertheless, I would still recommend anyone who is willing to step out of his/her comfort zone to experience Morocco and it’s unique environment
Singapore Management University (Singapour)
I was always interested in Arabic countries but since the last semester my interest arouse for the ESCA. A student reported about his experiences at the Moroccan Business School and Casablanca and in addition Professor Filali told anecdotes of his home country and afterwards I was absolutely impressed of Morocco. Due to my interest for the Arabic language I was fascinated by the idea to study management in Casablanca in order to combine two passions: International Business and the Arabic language and culture.
Augsburg University (Allemagne)
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