The ESCA Ecole de Management Case Center, established in 2012, aims to promote the creation of management case studies co-developed with companies to model managerial practices. Collaboration with businesses in this endeavor also enables the school and its faculty to strengthen ties with the business community.
To be the leading Case Center in Africa for the training, publication, and dissemination of educational case studies in Management, with an international influence.

The mission of the ESCA Ecole de Management Maroc Case Center is to promote, both nationally and regionally, the teaching of management using the Case method and the creation of educational case studies. This mission is reflected in the following key areas:
- Creation of Educational Case Studies: Developing management case studies in collaboration with regional companies.
- Training Services: Offering training and training of trainers in the case method.
- Dissemination of Case Studies: Promoting awareness of specific managerial practices on the continent through close collaboration with companies and providing a rich case bank to teachers, students, and managers at national, regional, and international levels.
- Use cases that address real local and international managerial situations with learners at different educational levels to develop various skills.
- Enable ESCA teachers to create cases that meet international standards and publish them in leading references.

Current activities of the Center
- Training in the case method: seminars for creating educational case studies. Training dedicated to teacher-researchers from ESCA School of Management as well as teachers from other higher education establishments.
- Animation workshops & creation of educational cases
- SMonitoring and supervision of projects to create educational case studies.
- Reviewing activities of the case studies carried out
- Participation in international case competitions
- Establishment of an ESCA Case catalog
- Organization of an in-house case study competition.
- Representation of the center at international case seminars
- Co-leadership of international works on case studies
- "Case method" seminars dedicated to students
- Acquisition of case studies from centrals and case editors
- Referencing case studies in international case centers
Some of the Center’s achievements
Peer-Reviewed Case Studies
+ Over 30 educational case studies
+ Accompanying teaching notes
+ Additional teaching materials
Companies Studied
HPS, Webhelp Maroc, Diamantine, Lesieur, Kitéa, Jumia Maroc, Sonasid, Managem, La Samir, Wafa Assurances, Benson Shoes, Biodrive, Maghreb Steel, Aluminium du Maroc, Dari Couspate, Al Watanya, and others.
Management Fields Covered
Strategy, Marketing, Finance, Logistics, Human Resources, Audit, Communication, Family Businesses, Internationalization, Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance, and more.
ESCA Business Case Center
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Case Journals: CASE Focus Journal / The Case Centre
- 2020 : I. El Ghazali & Z. Maaroufi: How can an African Company Stand Out in The Premium Shoe Market. The Benson Shoes Case in Morocco. Issue 1.
- 2021 : M. K. El Ghaib: Introducing a Sustainable Business Model in Africa: The Case of BioDrive in Morocco. Issue 2.
- 2023 : Z. Maaroufi, I. El Ghazali & R. Abba: When the Revisited Traditional Ready-to-Wear Goes International: Diamantine in Morocco. Issue 4.
Companies Studied
International Case Study Awards
- 2013 : Best Case Study Award at the EFMD International Competition, Category: “Euro-Mediterranean Managerial Practices and Issues” L. BELHCEN & Y. ABITTAN: HPS, a Successful Model of South/North Technology Transfer.
- 2016: Best Case Study Award at the EFMD International Competition, Category: “MENA Business Cases” Z. MAAROUFI: From Old Fashion to a Fast-Fashion Retailing Powerhouse: How Diamantine Reinvented the Traditional Ready-to-Wear Market in the MENA Region.
- 2020: Best Case Study Award at the EFMD International Competition, Category: “MENA Business Cases” I. El Ghazali & Z. Maaroufi: How Can an African Company Stand Out in The Premium Shoe Market. The Benson Shoes Case in Morocco.
- 2021: Best Case Study Award at the EFMD International Competition, Category: “MENA Business Cases” M. K. El Ghaib & Mark M. Davis: Introducing a Sustainable Business Model in Africa: The Case of BioDrive in Morocco.
- 2023: 1st Place Award at The Case Hub International Competition, AUB, Category: “Social & Environmental Entrepreneurship Stream” M. K. El Ghaib & Mark M. Davis: Introducing a Sustainable Business Model in Africa: The Case of BioDrive in Morocco.
- 2023: 2nd Place Award at The Case Hub International Competition, AUB, Category: “General Competition Stream” Z. Maaroufi, I. El Ghazali & R. Abba: When the Revisited Traditional Ready-to-Wear Goes International: Diamantine in Morocco.
- 2023: AFFI-CCMP Best Pedagogical Case Award. Berrada El Azizi Taib, Habba Badr & Allioui Azzedine: EL WATANYA, How to Preserve the Leading Position in the Printing Industry in Morocco?
Referencing in International Case Repositories: CCMP
- Adel, N. (2018) Wafa Assurance: Creating Value through Financial Restructuring.
- Adel, N. (2019) Takaful, Islamic Insurance Company: Launch of the "Al Amine" Entity in Morocco.
- Adel, N. (2022) Addoha: The Rise and Fall of an African Real Estate Giant.
- BERRADA, T., HABBA, B., ALLIOUI, A. (2023) El Watanya: How to Preserve the Leading Position in the Printing Industry in Morocco?
- HABBA, B., ALLIOUI, A., BERRADA, T., (2023) Dari Couspate: From SME to Leader Company in the International Market.
Referencing in International Case Repositories: The Case Centre
- El Ghazali, I. & Maaroufi, Z. (2020) How Can an African Company Stand Out in The Premium Shoe Market. The Benson Shoes Case in Morocco.
- El Ghaib, M. K. & Davis. M. M. (2021) Introducing a Sustainable Business Model in Africa: The Case of BioDrive in Morocco.
- Maaroufi, Z. El Ghazali, I., Abba, R. (2023) When the Revisited Traditional Ready-to-Wear Goes International: Diamantine in Morocco.
- ALLIOUI, A., HABBA, B., BERRADA, T., (2023) How Can a Family Business Cope with the Influence of Family Conflicts? The Case of the Aluminum Flagship: Aluminium du Maroc.