The Digital Marketing Manager program, a Bac+5 level diploma offered by Devinci Executive Education in partnership with ESCA Executive Education, is designed to train managers capable of implementing optimal marketing and digital communication strategies across various online channels. This program adopts an integrated and critical approach to address the digital world demands.
The primary objective is to develop specific, managerial, and entrepreneurial skills essential for aspiring Digital Marketing and/or Digital Communication Directors, digital communication managers, or Digital Marketing Project Managers.

Admission requirements
This program is open to graduates:
- Bac + 4 in Economics, Management or any diploma deemed equivalent
- Bac + 3 with a minimum of three years of professional experience.
- Bac + 3 candidates will be subject to the VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience).

Benefit from training certified by a diploma issued by Devinci Executive Education.
The Executive Master in Digital Marketing , developed by Devinci Executive Education in partnership with ESCA Executive Education, offers an exceptional opportunity for professional development. Upon completion, you will receive the Devinci Executive Education Diploma and the title of Digital Communication Manager, registered with the RNCP by decree of November 19, 2014 (NSF Code 320).
This diploma is a valuable asset for your resume, demonstrating your expertise and enhancing your career outcome.

- Devinci Executive Education
- 1 ou 2 années
Start date
- November 1, 2024
- French
Acquired Skills
Program Structure
Traffic management
Digital advertising and brand content
Inbound Marketing
Social Media
E-reputation and web influence technique
Data Management
Professional thesis
#Podcast | Head of the Master's Program
Program presentation
ESCA en chiffres
Want to know more ?
Book your interview with one of our admissions advisors who will answer all your questions or download the program brochure to have all the information in just a few clicks.
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Nos lauréats témoignent
Returning to school after two decades of professional life was both a challenge and an opportunity. I was both anxious and afraid to return to this path which seemed so far behind me, especially with the intensive mode and the particularities of the Human Resources Management program... ESCA Ecole de Management and its partner were able to create the material and pedagogical conditions necessary for participants' success. From the very first sessions, fear and anxiety were gradually transformed into fulfillment and motivation. The teaching staff, made up of prestigious lecturers brilliantly combining pedagogy, theory, expertise and experience, friendliness and availability, come from diverse backgrounds and nationalities: doctoral researchers, coaches, experts and renowned professionals... All the ingredients are in place for learning in a stimulating environment of exchange and reflection.
“Just after my semester at Koç University in Istanbul as part of the exchange program with ESCA Ecole de Management, I developed a taste for travel and adventure, and a thirst for discovering new cultures. I therefore decided to carry out my professional assignment in Bangalore, India. Last June, I joined DDB MUDDRA GROUP, one of India's leading marketing and communications agencies. My mission was to implement a marketing strategy to promote a beverage brand. At first, I found it hard to understand the Indian market and especially the beverage industry. But in the end, I was able to adapt to understand the Indian market. My superiors appreciated the quality of my work and took my professional thesis as a support and mine of information for other brands in the same sector. I learned a lot on a human level, discovered a wonderful culture and rubbed shoulders with an extraordinary people despite their poverty.”
Echange à Koç University (Istanbul, Turquie)
Soufian TAKI
Having always had the ambition to go far in the HR function, the choice to study at ESCA was an obvious one for me, as it is one of the best business schools in Morocco. After obtaining my Master's degree in HRM with a double diploma from Grenoble EM, I was able to move with ease in the job market. Over the years, I have held positions of responsibility within major industrial and international groups. Today, I'm HR Manager Morocco at NIPPON EXPRESS, a Japanese group specializing in logistics and transport. I'm proud to be a member of the ESCA family.
Human Ressources manager, NIPPON EXPRESS
Sabrine Zahroubane
Thanks to a competent teaching staff, a professional administrative team and an inspiring president, I acquired all the skills I needed to quickly enter the professional world. After graduating with a Master's degree in marketing and communications, I started my career as a project manager in a communications agency, where I worked for 1 year. Today, and for the past 3 years, I've been Associate Director of a digital communications agency.
Directrice associée de l'agence Digital & Creativity
Abdelmoughit Khiri
My years at ESCA EM can be summed up in a single phrase: “a transformational experience”. Thanks to the many opportunities available on campus, I was able to get involved in community life where I developed not only my professional skills but also my soft skills such as communication and teamwork, both nationally and internationally, particularly in my case in Africa, Europe and China. I went from being a shy but ambitious young man with potential to a Marketing and Communication laureate, a Manager Leader in his company and a testament to a great learning and improvement experience. Today, thanks to the recognition of the ESCA Ecole de Management diploma, I can pursue my dream of completing my research work within the framework of a doctorate. Thank you to everyone behind this once-in-a-lifetime experience
Lead manager, OBAMOTORS
Nurul Jannah SHAUL HAMED
The one thing I will truly cherish from ESCA are the friends I made here. The local students have been very welcoming and forthcoming since Day 1 that I step foot onto Moroccan shores. It shows the warm Moroccan culture. I’ve been blessed to have been invited by their families for meals and occasional ‘hangouts’. Indeed one can never get the true experience if one does not step foot into a local’s home! Being a very small campus, has also proven to be a blessing. It makes it easier for us to meet one another along the corridor, always being greeted by smiles and chats from familiar faces.
Singapore Management University (Singapour)
Accreditations & Institutional Ranking