Merit Scholarships :
ESCA Ecole de Management values the academic level of its initial training and executive training candidates, and offers partial or total merit scholarships reserved for deserving students!
The award of merit scholarships is based on academic criteria, taking into account the average of two grades: the grade of the last year of studies (that of the Baccalaureate for admission to the 1st year, that of the last year validated for a parallel admission, or that of the License for admission to a Master 1) and the score of the admission interview at ESCA Ecole de Management.
Depending on this average and when it is equal to or greater than a grade of 13, students and/or participants can benefit from a merit scholarship, covering part of their tuition fees throughout the course. selected.

Remote admission interview
Our team is available to provide any additional information, schedule a phone appointment with one of our coaches or an academic manager, and assist you in preparing your admission and registration documents, as well as successfully completing the initial remote admission interview.

Study loan
Alternative to the merit scholarship, and with the aim of making higher education more affordable to Moroccan students, ESCA Ecole de Management offers you the possibility of taking out a study loan from recommended Moroccan banks CIH BANK and BANK OF AFRICA, up to 50,000 dhs per study year (with a maximum of 250,000 dhs in total), the repayment period of which can be up to 12 years, including 6 years of partial deferral, i.e. one year after obtaining your diploma.