The Specialized Master in Project Management is a state-recognized degree with the possibility of a double degree with IAE METZ? It is a high-level program designed to train managers in project management field. The program offers professional teaching focused on project management, initiation techniques, operational management, and effective project execution to successfully integrate modern organizations into their ecosystems.
- 2 années
Start date
- November 1, 2025
- French
International Business graduate profile
5 reasons to choose a Specialized Master in Project Management
Project management is at the center of business priorities
For employment opportunities
For its useful lessons in your daily management
For the quality of students interactions
To progress in your career

Career outcomes
Project/Program Coordinator
Project director/manager
Project Controller
Specialist in project design
Project auditor
Project management researcher
Project Manager

Project management is at the center of business priorities
Today, companies aim to improve the processes of creating and developing new projects and to innovate.
They seek talents capable of organizing and managing innovation, using avant-garde methods to implement new initiatives, lead teams, and guide them toward objectives.
These valuable skills are developed during your Specialized Master's degree in Project Management, quickly providing you with an operational profile in all sectors of activity.

The quality of interaction with other students
The Specialized Master's degree in Project Management offers detailed learning about project management.
Throughout your two years of study, you will meet students with different backgrounds and diverse experiences.
By interacting with them, you will benefit from knowledge sharing and collective intelligence, enhancing your learning experience.
This collaborative environment also prepares you for the reality of teamwork in business.
The exchange of viewpoints, study of recommendations, and communication skills you develop will help you become a better manager.
Program Structure
Methodical and communication tools 1
Innovation and Business Models
Project management
Accounting and Financial Management
Business and globalization: Cross-cultural Management and Geopolitics
Strategy and corporate governance
Methodical and communication tools 2
Information systems management
Research methods applied to management
Project management
Project-based innovation practices
Pre-project management
Project initiation
Business case & feasibility
Project scope management
Operational project management
Planning & Scheduling
Project Management Control
Project Quality Management
Control tools & support
Project Risk Management
HR project management
Project Procurement Management
Behavior & communication of project stakeholders
Stackeholders management & project sponsorship
Project communication
Change management
Institutionalization & Development of project management
Norms, Standards & Certifications: PMI, ITIL, PRINCE2, Agile, etc.
Multi-project management
International project management (ENG)
Project management in a specific environment - Case studies
Industrial/technological project management: Automotive, Aerospace, Construction, Digital
Business project management
Megaproject management
ESCA Campus
MBA Program
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ApplyAlumni Success Stories
My Studies at ESCA Ecole de Management was an experience rich in learning, discovery and opportunity. During my 5 years of training, I developed both soft and hard skills, thanks to the quality of my teaching, which today enable me to better understand the complexity of the market and aspire to continuous career advancement. I'm proud to be part of the ESCA community, the most international of Business Schools.
Business Development Manager, Dell Technologies Promotion 2018-Marketing et Communication.
I chose ESCA Ecole de Management because it has a strong network of international partners and is the first AACSB-accredited business school in Morocco and French-speaking Africa, on a par with the world's most prestigious business schools. In 3rd year, I had the opportunity to benefit from an exchange semester at Neoma Business School, an experience that enabled me to develop my sense of responsibility, get out of my comfort zone and discover work methodologies beyond borders.
Audit et Contrôle de Gestion Promotion 2022- Finance
Returning to school after two decades of professional life was both a challenge and an opportunity. I was both anxious and afraid to return to this path which seemed so far behind me, especially with the intensive mode and the particularities of the Human Resources Management program... ESCA Ecole de Management and its partner were able to create the material and pedagogical conditions necessary for participants' success. From the very first sessions, fear and anxiety were gradually transformed into fulfillment and motivation. The teaching staff, made up of prestigious lecturers brilliantly combining pedagogy, theory, expertise and experience, friendliness and availability, come from diverse backgrounds and nationalities: doctoral researchers, coaches, experts and renowned professionals... All the ingredients are in place for learning in a stimulating environment of exchange and reflection.
“Just after my semester at Koç University in Istanbul as part of the exchange program with ESCA Ecole de Management, I developed a taste for travel and adventure, and a thirst for discovering new cultures. I therefore decided to carry out my professional assignment in Bangalore, India. Last June, I joined DDB MUDDRA GROUP, one of India's leading marketing and communications agencies. My mission was to implement a marketing strategy to promote a beverage brand. At first, I found it hard to understand the Indian market and especially the beverage industry. But in the end, I was able to adapt to understand the Indian market. My superiors appreciated the quality of my work and took my professional thesis as a support and mine of information for other brands in the same sector. I learned a lot on a human level, discovered a wonderful culture and rubbed shoulders with an extraordinary people despite their poverty.”
Echange à Koç University (Istanbul, Turquie)
Sabrine Zahroubane
Thanks to a competent teaching staff, a professional administrative team and an inspiring president, I acquired all the skills I needed to quickly enter the professional world. After graduating with a Master's degree in marketing and communications, I started my career as a project manager in a communications agency, where I worked for 1 year. Today, and for the past 3 years, I've been Associate Director of a digital communications agency.
Directrice associée de l'agence Digital & Creativity
Abdelmoughit Khiri
My years at ESCA EM can be summed up in a single phrase: “a transformational experience”. Thanks to the many opportunities available on campus, I was able to get involved in community life where I developed not only my professional skills but also my soft skills such as communication and teamwork, both nationally and internationally, particularly in my case in Africa, Europe and China. I went from being a shy but ambitious young man with potential to a Marketing and Communication laureate, a Manager Leader in his company and a testament to a great learning and improvement experience. Today, thanks to the recognition of the ESCA Ecole de Management diploma, I can pursue my dream of completing my research work within the framework of a doctorate. Thank you to everyone behind this once-in-a-lifetime experience
Lead manager, OBAMOTORS
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