Transformez votre Carrière !
The Professional Bachelor's Degree in Management is dedicated to professionals who wish to transform their career thanks to a Bachelor's Degree in Management from ESCA Executive Education.
It validates transversal skills after 12 months of training, adapted to the schedules of working professionals, which covers management, human resources, business economics and operational management.
It allows you to ensure your skills development towards a Manager profile who masters the challenges of managing a business, commercial and administrative management with an understanding of the strategic context.

- 1 année
Start date
- November 1, 2025
- French
Program objectives
Why choose a bachelor's degree
- Deployed during flexible hours, it allows you to combine professional activity and continuing education.
- You are supervised by a teaching staff made up of experts and professionals.
- A program with professional teaching methods (Simulations, Business Games, Case Studies, Projects, etc.).
- Possibility to continue with a master’s degree afterwards.

Admission requirements for professional Bachelor
Bac+2 diploma or level deemed equivalent, with possibility of validation of acquired professional experience.
- File review
- Oral interview
Financing possible at rates agreed with Société Générale.

Career outcomes
- Head of commercial agency
- Assistant to a business manager
- Executive assistant
- HR management assistant
- Legal-commercial department
- Legal Secretariat
- Human Resource Management
- Administrative management
- Purchasing department
- Entrepreneur/business manager

Benefits of the professional Bachelor
- Development of multiple managerial skills (team management, leadership, innovation and organization)
- Faculty made up of experts and seasoned professionals.
- Programming suitable for working professionals.
- Professional pedagogy (Simulations, Business Games, Case studies, Projects, etc.)
- Professional Bachelor and possibility of pursuing a Master.

Program Structure
Understand the Business Environment:
- Address economic challenges.
Manage and Promote the Commercial Offer:
Master marketing strategies.
Analyze Management Information:
Gain proficiency in financial accounting
Cost accounting.
Professional Development:
Improve business English skills.
Create & Innovate:
Learn about intellectual property law and organizational management.
Process and Analyze Data:
Develop skills in data analysis, statistics, and Excel VBA.
Invest and Finance:
Analyze company financial statements.
Communicate Effectively:
Analyse Enhance communication abilities.
Value Your Experience:
Complete a project report.
ESCA Campus
Want to know more ?
Book your interview with one of our admissions advisors who will answer all your questions or download the program brochure to have all the information in just a few clicks.
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Submit your online application
APPLYFaculty specific to this program
Nos lauréats témoignent
My Studies at ESCA Ecole de Management was an experience rich in learning, discovery and opportunity. During my 5 years of training, I developed both soft and hard skills, thanks to the quality of my teaching, which today enable me to better understand the complexity of the market and aspire to continuous career advancement. I'm proud to be part of the ESCA community, the most international of Business Schools.
Business Development Manager, Dell Technologies Promotion 2018-Marketing et Communication.
I chose ESCA Ecole de Management because it has a strong network of international partners and is the first AACSB-accredited business school in Morocco and French-speaking Africa, on a par with the world's most prestigious business schools. In 3rd year, I had the opportunity to benefit from an exchange semester at Neoma Business School, an experience that enabled me to develop my sense of responsibility, get out of my comfort zone and discover work methodologies beyond borders.
Audit et Contrôle de Gestion Promotion 2022- Finance
“Just after my semester at Koç University in Istanbul as part of the exchange program with ESCA Ecole de Management, I developed a taste for travel and adventure, and a thirst for discovering new cultures. I therefore decided to carry out my professional assignment in Bangalore, India. Last June, I joined DDB MUDDRA GROUP, one of India's leading marketing and communications agencies. My mission was to implement a marketing strategy to promote a beverage brand. At first, I found it hard to understand the Indian market and especially the beverage industry. But in the end, I was able to adapt to understand the Indian market. My superiors appreciated the quality of my work and took my professional thesis as a support and mine of information for other brands in the same sector. I learned a lot on a human level, discovered a wonderful culture and rubbed shoulders with an extraordinary people despite their poverty.”
Echange à Koç University (Istanbul, Turquie)
Rayhane TIQEN
With the aim of turning us into top managers, ESCA EM's program combines theory and practice. We had a good combination of academic professors and practitioners from the professional world who held positions of responsibility. This balance of profiles in the teaching staff gave us an excellent opening onto the business world, while at the same time giving us a solid theoretical grounding. The courses and internships, as well as the quality and pedagogy of the teaching staff, made us love a profession, much more than a diploma, while cultivating in us the ambition and desire to constantly evolve in order to do better. The technical, communication and managerial skills acquired during my training have enabled me to carry out my current professional obligations with a great deal of serenity. My time at ESCA EM has undoubtedly been the most productive and fulfilling period of my life.
Consultante Audit junior, Deloitte Nearshore
Joana Schierling
My experience in Morocco has been a truly impressive one. Getting to know this diverse country and being inspired by its fascinating people will have a lasting influence on my personal and professional future. Studying at ESCA has indeed enriched and diversified my education. Learning about a new culture always helps you to understand not only this new culture but also your own one. All in all, I honestly recommend to come and experience the hospitality of the Moroccan people and especially the Welcome-team at ESCA.
4th IB year Augsburg- Allemagne
My stay in Morocco was an unforgettable experience. Students at ESCA were always helpful and supported us in everything. Teachers at ESCA shared their working experience from « real life » with us. During my time in Casablanca I learned a lot about culture, Islam and the way of life. I traveled around in Morocco and discovered so many wonderful places. For me it was the best decision to spend a term abroad at ESCA in Casablanca !
Augsburg University – Allemagne
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Accreditations & Institutional Ranking