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Bachelor's degree in Business Management
E-Business and Digital Marketing

Program Overview

The Bachelor in Business Management is a professionalizing program delivered over 3 years of High Education. It allows students to develop the most important managerial skills to progress and succeed in the business world : problem-solving ability, entrepreneurial mindset, etc. Students are supported by an innovative pedagogy promoting ownership of concepts and tools.

It also offers the opportunity for students to develop advanced skills. The student will be able to choose a specialty in E-Business and Digital Marketing, Banking and Insurance, Purchasing and International Logistics, or Accounting and Finance Management.

licence marketing digital


  • 3 années

Start date

  • September 1, 2025


  • French

Program objectives

Master the tricks of digital marketing and communication

Master digital tools to implement an effective strategy on social media

Implement action plans to optimize customer satisfaction

Managing a team and working as a team as part of web project management

Career outcomes

  • Web product manager

  • Web marketer

  • E-commerce manager

  • Digital manager

  • Community Manager


E-Business and Digital Marketing graduate profile

Marketing & communication

Advanced skills

Analysis skills

Creative mindset

International Experience

Through this Bachelor's degree , ESCA offers you the opportunity to acquire and develop international experience through multiple exchange and double degree opportunities with our renowned partners around the world.

You can choose your destination from one of our 135 international Business Schools partners located in 51 countries.


Choose your destination

  • Exchange semesters

  • Summer Programs

  • International internships

  • A Global Experience with a double degree


Common Core Program

  • Language and communication

  • IT tools

  • Interpersonal communication

  • Morocco Economy

  • Manager's rights

  • Accounting treatment of current transactions

  • Statistics applied to management

  • Language and communication

  • Culture and Human Sciences

  • Professional writing

  • Sales and negotiation techniques

  • Management practices

  • Cost and margin calculation methods

  • Exploration internship

  • Language and communication

  • Financial analysis

  • International Business

  • Marketing and Consumer Psychology

  • HR and team management

  • Management of tax obligations

  • Language and communication

  • Mix Marketing

  • Management of innovative projects

  • Human behavior at work

  • Cross-cultural management

  • Management internship

Accounting and Finance Management courses

  • Business Models and entrepreneurship

  • Marketing intelligence and Big Data

  • Market research

  • Digital distribution and merchandising

  • Customer relationship management (CRM & E-CRM)

  • Business strategies

  • Strategic management

  • Business Game

  • E-commerce

  • Web marketing

  • Community Management and social media

  • Inbound Marketing

  • Tutored project

Student Testimonials

Discover our students' testimonials about the study experience at ESCA Ecole de Management, the 1st Business School in Morocco and French-speaking Africa.

ESCA Campus

Located in the heart of Casablanca Finance City, the economic and financial hub in Africa, the State-of-the-art Campus of ESCA Ecole de Management houses innovative infrastructures serving a “Student Experience” that is placed at the center of its educational and learning approach.

Want to know more ?

Book your interview with one of our admissions advisors who will answer all your questions or download the program brochure to have all the information in just a few clicks.

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Faculty specific to this program

Alumni Success Stories


My years at ESCA Ecole de Management have been rich in emotions and learning. Before joining the school, I was shy and disoriented, but as time went by I integrated, developed interpersonal skills and key competencies in marketing and communication, which today has led me to become an accomplished young woman and to embrace the world of advertising as a confirmed project manager.

Chef de projets, Optimum Marketing GroupPromotion 2018-Marketing et Communication


I chose ESCA Ecole de Management because it has a strong network of international partners and is the first AACSB-accredited business school in Morocco and French-speaking Africa, on a par with the world's most prestigious business schools. In 3rd year, I had the opportunity to benefit from an exchange semester at Neoma Business School, an experience that enabled me to develop my sense of responsibility, get out of my comfort zone and discover work methodologies beyond borders.

Audit et Contrôle de Gestion Promotion 2022- Finance


My years at ESCA have had an undeniable impact on my career. I chose this option without hesitation, because from the outset I knew that this field was my vocation. The courses taught during my training enable graduates to be versatile, in parallel with their chosen specialization. My first job was with SGMA as an Individual Customer Advisor. This position helped me to better define my career objective. Fascinated by this field, I landed a job as a Trader with MSIN... A few years later, I was appointed Deputy Managing Director of stockbroker Alma Finance Group, a position I've held since 2015. I would like to thank my teachers and all the staff at ESCA for providing me with the right environment to develop and hone my skills in oral presentation, teamwork and entrepreneurship.

Directeur Général Capital Trust


“Just after my semester at Koç University in Istanbul as part of the exchange program with ESCA Ecole de Management, I developed a taste for travel and adventure, and a thirst for discovering new cultures. I therefore decided to carry out my professional assignment in Bangalore, India. Last June, I joined DDB MUDDRA GROUP, one of India's leading marketing and communications agencies. My mission was to implement a marketing strategy to promote a beverage brand. At first, I found it hard to understand the Indian market and especially the beverage industry. But in the end, I was able to adapt to understand the Indian market. My superiors appreciated the quality of my work and took my professional thesis as a support and mine of information for other brands in the same sector. I learned a lot on a human level, discovered a wonderful culture and rubbed shoulders with an extraordinary people despite their poverty.”

Echange à Koç University (Istanbul, Turquie)

Sabrine Zahroubane

Thanks to a competent teaching staff, a professional administrative team and an inspiring president, I acquired all the skills I needed to quickly enter the professional world. After graduating with a Master's degree in marketing and communications, I started my career as a project manager in a communications agency, where I worked for 1 year. Today, and for the past 3 years, I've been Associate Director of a digital communications agency.

Directrice associée de l'agence Digital & Creativity

Abdelmoughit Khiri

My years at ESCA EM can be summed up in a single phrase: “a transformational experience”. Thanks to the many opportunities available on campus, I was able to get involved in community life where I developed not only my professional skills but also my soft skills such as communication and teamwork, both nationally and internationally, particularly in my case in Africa, Europe and China. I went from being a shy but ambitious young man with potential to a Marketing and Communication laureate, a Manager Leader in his company and a testament to a great learning and improvement experience. Today, thanks to the recognition of the ESCA Ecole de Management diploma, I can pursue my dream of completing my research work within the framework of a doctorate. Thank you to everyone behind this once-in-a-lifetime experience

Lead manager, OBAMOTORS

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BAC 2022 : quelles spécialités choisir pour quelles études supérieures ?

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BAC 2022 : quelles spécialités choisir pour quelles études supérieures ?

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BAC 2022 : quelles spécialités choisir pour quelles études supérieures ?

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