The Victoria Forum Casablanca Round is an exclusive event co-organized by the Victoria Forum and ESCA Ecole de Management, Morocco. This marks the first time the Victoria Forum will convene in Africa, highlighting its dedication to engaging with the continent's thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers to shape meaningful dialogue on the future of Africa. The theme of the event is:
“A Better Africa for All: Building Trust and Empowering People”
The event will bring together distinguished leaders from diverse fields to address some of Africa's most pressing challenges and opportunities. Discussions will focus on empowering youth, navigating geopolitical complexities, combating climate change, and bridging health disparities. The aim is to foster trust, unity, and collaboration while developing actionable solutions that support sustainable growth and social equity across the continent.
Trust lies at the core of this event, as it is seen as a key element for cohesive societies, effective institutions, and resilient societies. Building trust within Africa and externally is critical for sustainable growth and development. The Victoria Forum Casablanca Round will explore how trust can be leveraged to address current challenges while inspiring innovation, prosperity, and inclusive growth.
Africa, with over 60% of its population under 25 years old, holds tremendous potential for shaping a better future. The event will explore how this young and dynamic population, paired with Africa's rich cultural heritage, can be empowered to drive positive change. By engaging key stakeholders, the discussions will create a platform for sharing perspectives and working towards a unified vision for Africa—one that prioritizes economic growth, social equity, and environmental stewardship.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024
- Notification to authors: July 15, 2024
- Conference date: 23-25, 2024
Publication Opportunities :
The International Journal of Emerging Markets – ISSN: 1746-8809
South African Journal of Business Management – ISSN: 2078-5585
African Journal of Climate Studies – ISSN: 3005-4613
Management and Sustainability: An Arab Review – ISSN: 2752-9819
Program Overview:
Day 1: February 17, 2025
Opening Remarks – Building Trust and Addressing Africa’s Geopolitical Challenges
9:30 AM – 9:40 AM: Welcome Remarks

Saul Klein
Executive Director, Forum de Victoria Forum.
Saul Klein was a Professor of International Business in the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria (Canada), where he served as Dean from 2012 to 2023.
Born in Zimbabwe, Saul has had a broad-ranging career spanning developing, developed and transition countries. He holds a BA in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) and MBA and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto (Canada). From 1996 to 2001, before joining the Gustavson School, he was the SA Breweries Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Wits Business School (South Africa). Previously, he was a Senior Fellow in Marketing at the National University of Singapore. He has also held full-time appointments at Wake Forest University and Northeastern University in the United States, and has been a visiting professor at Melbourne Business School (Australia).
Executive Director, Forum de Victoria Forum.

Thami Ghorfi
Dean, ESCA Ecole de Management
Thami GHORFI is President of ESCA School of Management, (an African leading Business School based in Casablanca, Morocco) where he teaches communication strategy and change management. Prof. Thami Ghorfi has developed an expertise on management practices in Morocco and the Maghreb region, in entrepreneurship and change management.
He is advisor to several organizations in the strategic fields, multicultural human resources management and leading change.
Dean, ESCA Ecole de Management
9:40 AM – 09:45 AM: Opening Address

Isabelle Valois
Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of Morocco.
Isabelle Valois (B.A. avec spécialisation [développement international], Université de Toronto, 1992) a commencé sa carrière internationale en Colombie et au Malawi. Au Malawi, elle a été associée de programme au sein de l’UNICEF Malawi par l’intermédiaire d’Entraide universitaire mondiale du Canada. Elle a ensuite travaillé dans le secteur non gouvernemental et a siégé à divers conseils d’administration. En 2004, elle s’est jointe à l’Agence canadienne de développement international, où elle a occupé plusieurs postes au sein des directions générales du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord, dont celui de chef des opérations, Moyen-Orient, de 2006 à 2008. De 2009 à 2011, Mme Valois a occupé le poste de conseillère (coopération au développement) pour l’Iraq à l’ambassade en Jordanie et en Iraq. Pendant cette période, elle a également été directrice du Fonds régional pour les droits de la personne et la consolidation de la paix (de 2008 à 2010). De 2011 à 2016, elle a travaillé comme conseillère (coopération au développement) à l’ambassade au Maroc. À l’administration centrale, elle a été directrice de la Direction des citoyens du monde. Plus récemment, elle a été ambassadrice en Uruguay (de 2021 à 2023).
Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of Morocco.
9:45 AM – 9:50 AM: Special Address

Ava Hill
Member of the National Consortium for Indigenous Economic Development, University of Victoria
Ava Hill, whose traditional name is Iohahatie, was born on the Six Nations Reserve and is a Mohawk, Wolf Clan. Ava was the Elected Chief of the 56th and 57th Six Nations Elected Council. Prior to holding the Office of the Elected Chief, Ava was a Councillor for District Two for three terms, a total of nine years. After serving for fifteen years as a member of the Six Nations Elected Council, Ava did not seek re-election in 2019.
During her tenure as Chief, Ava represented the Chiefs in Ontario on the Ontario Provincial Cabinet Committee on Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion up until June 2018.
n the 80s and 90s, Ava spent time working with the Chiefs in Ontario as the Executive Director of the Chiefs in Ontario Office and also at the Assembly of First Nations as the Executive Assistant to the National Chief. Subsequent to her work at the AFN, Ava was the Executive Assistant to the Co-Chair of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
Member of the National Consortium for Indigenous Economic Development, University of Victoria
10:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Opening Panel: Empowering Africa’s Youth for a Sustainable and Trustworthy Future (Open to students and the public)

Arkebe Oqubay
Former Senior Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia.
Arkebe Oqubay, PhD, is Senior Research Associate at wiiw. He is a Senior Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and has been at the centre of policymaking for over thirty years. Dr. Arkebe is a Professor of Practice at University of Johannesburg, and visiting professor to Sciences Po (Paris) and NTU (Singapore). He is an ODI Distinguished Fellow at Overseas Development Institute (a global think tank based in London), UNU-WIDER Honorary Research Fellow, and a research associate at the Centre of African Studies in the University of London. He is the founder of Policy, Research, and Dialogue for Africa which focuses on leading research on Africa and development economics.
Former Senior Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia.

Jaloul Ayed
Former Minister of Finance of Tunisia.
Jalloul Ayed (arabe : جلول عياد), né le 6 février 1951 à Khniss, est un banquier, homme politique et compositeur1 tunisien. Il est ministre des Finances de janvier à décembre 2011 au sein du gouvernement d'union nationale de Mohamed Ghannouchi, qui suit la révolution, puis dans celui de Béji Caïd Essebsi.
Jalloul Ayed commence à travailler en tant que directeur général de la filiale tunisienne de la Citibank et directeur des opérations des filiales algérienne et libyenne1. Il devient vice-président de Citicorp en 1987 puis directeur général de Corporate Bank aux Émirats arabes unis en 19881. Il poursuit sa carrière dans les mêmes banques en tant qu'administrateur délégué de Citibank Maghreb à Casablanca (Maroc) et country corporate officer de Citicorp-Citibank au Maroc (1990-1995) puis, à partir de 1996, en tant que senior banker au bureau « division des financements pour l'Europe, l'Afrique et le Moyen-Orient » au sein de Citicorp International Ltd à Londres. Il est directeur général de la Corporate Bank à partir de 2004
Former Minister of Finance of Tunisia.

Luís Filipe Tavares
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Cape Verde.
Luís Filipe L. Tavares was born in Praia, Cape Verde, on August 25, 1965. He holds degrees in Economic Geography and Political Science from the University of Rouen (France, 1991). Mr. Tavares has had an extensive career in public service and diplomacy, including serving as First Deputy Mayor of Praia (1992), Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Cape Verde (2001), and Director General for Decentralization at the Ministry of Finance and Regional Development (2002). He has been a professor at the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde since 2003. Mr. Tavares was awarded the title of "Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite" by the President of France in 2008.
He was elected Vice-President of the Movement for Democracy (MpD) in 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2023, and has served as a Member of the National Assembly since 2016. Mr. Tavares was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense from 2016 to 2021. Since 2022, he has been an international consultant specializing in diplomacy, defense, peace, and security.
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Cape Verde.

Mohamed Abdirizak
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia.
The first major time Mohamud introduced himself into the Somali political landscape was in 2017, when he ran to be President of Somalia, in which he did not succeed.
On 19 November 2020, Mohamud was appointed to become the new Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia by then Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble,[3] and on 25 November was officially sworn in.[3] Three days later on 28 November, Mohamud took over the responsibilities of the job from his predecessor Ahmed Isse Awad.
As Minister, Mohamud was regarded as an "outspoken" political figure, conducting multiple meetings and talks with Somalia's allies, most notably including the African Union, China, Kenya, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, the United Nations, and the United States.
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia.

Thami Ghorfi
Dean, ESCA Ecole de Management.
Thami GHORFI is President of ESCA School of Management, (an African leading Business School based in Casablanca, Morocco) where he teaches communication strategy and change management. Prof. Thami Ghorfi has developed an expertise on management practices in Morocco and the Maghreb region, in entrepreneurship and change management.
He is advisor to several organizations in the strategic fields, multicultural human resources management and leading change.
Dean, ESCA Ecole de Management.
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Session 1: Navigating Africa’s Geopolitical and Socio-Economic Complexities
Exploring the challenges and opportunities arising from Africa’s geopolitical landscape and socio-economic dynamics.

El Mokhtar Ghambou
President of the Atlantic Foundation.
Dr. Mokhtar Ghambou is the president of the Atlantic Foundation based in New York. As a scholar in American and African Studies at the International University of Rabat, Ghambou is currently in charge of founding the Center for Atlantic Studies in collaboration with several universities from Africa, Europe, and the Americas. From 2016 to 2021, Dr. Ghambou served as Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Kenya and Burundi. During the same period, Ambassador Ghambou was Morocco’s Permanent Representative at the UN Environment Program (UNEP) and UN Habitat. From 2011 to 2016, Dr. Ghambou was a member of the Moroccan House of Representative, serving on the committee of Foreign Affairs and Moroccans living abroad. Before moving back to Morocco in 2011, Dr. Ghambou was a professor of African and American Studies at Yale University from 2000 to 2010. Cutting across the fields of humanities, politics, and diplomacy, Ghambou’s publications, media interviews, and conference papers explore topics as diverse as transatlantic relations, regional integration, postcolonial Africa, food security, and environment.
President of the Atlantic Foundation.

Moubarack Lo
Associate Fellow at the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES).
Director General of the Emerging Consulting Group of Senegal, President of the Emergence Institute, Member of the Advisory Board of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, Lecturer at African Business School in Rabat, Associate Researcher at the Royal Institute of Strategic Studies (IRES), Morocco.
President of the Emergence Institute, specializing in economic and statistical studies and strategic planning, Moubarack LO is also Associate Researcher at the Royal Institute of Strategic Studies (IRES), Morocco. Previously, he was Director General of the Economic Foresight Bureau in the Office of the Prime Minister of Senegal, Minister Deputy Chief of Staff to His Excellency Mr Macky Sall, President of Senegal. He also served as an Chief economist and economic advisor to several Prime Ministers. He is an expert for the UN System, the UNECA, the African Development Bank, the World Bank, the African Union and the European Union. He is a Lecturer at the African Business School, Rabat. He has served as Lecturer at the National School of Administration of Senegal, the University Gaston Berger of St. Louis, and the Mohamed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco. Moubarack Lô has co-published a Handbook on Econo,ic Emergence
Associate Fellow at the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES).

Rym Ayadi
Professor, Senior Advisor at the CEPS. Founder and President of the EMEA, Founder and Director of the EMANES.
Rym Ayadi is the Founder and President of the Euro – Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA). She is Founder and Director of the Euro-Mediterranean and African Network for Economic Studies (EMANES). She is Senior Advisor at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS); Professor at the Bayes Business School, City University of London and Member of the Centre for Banking Research (CBR); Chair of the European Banking Authority – Banking Stakeholders Group (EBA- BSG). She is also Associated Scholar at the Centre for Relationship Banking and Economics (CERBE) at LUMSA University in Rome.
Professor, Senior Advisor at the CEPS. Founder and President of the EMEA, Founder and Director of the EMANES.

Ahmed Iraqi
Professor and Researcher, ESCA Ecole de Management.
Ahmed Iraqi holds a PhD in international economic relations which he completed with a PostDoc in strategic management and organizational behavior at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco). He also holds an MBA in strategic management and economic intelligence from the School of Economic Warfare, EGE (France), a Certificate in International Law from the Academy of International Law of Lahaye (Netherlands), a Master's degree in economic law and international trade from Abdelmalek Essaâdi University (Morocco) and a postgraduate diploma in management and business administration from ENCG Tangier (Morocco). He is an associated researcher at Africa Business School in Rabat and a guest researcher at Mohammed V University (Morocco) as part of a project supported by the CNRST. He taught at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences and at MedSup Management in Tangier. He is the author of several books and scientific articles. His research interests include geoeconomics, nation branding, organizational change and digital transformation. Furthermore, Ahmed Iraqi is the founding president of the think tank CENTRIS and the humanitarian NGO APSOPAD International.
Professor and Researcher, ESCA Ecole de Management.
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM: Coffee Break and Networking
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM : Session 2 – Innovative Solutions for Africa’s Future: Bridging the Health Divide
Exploring strategies and innovative solutions to address Africa’s health disparities for a sustainable future.

Bukola Salami
Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Black and Racialized Peoples’ Health and Full Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary.
Professor Bukola Salami received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Windsor, Master of Nursing from the University of Toronto, and PhD in Nursing from the University of Toronto. In July 2023, she became a Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine. In December 2023, she became Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Black and Racialized Peoples Health at the Cumming School of Medicine. She is also cross appointed to the Faculty of Nursing and she is also a member of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health. Previously, she held the rank of Full Professor in the Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta. She is the former Director of the Intersections of Gender Signature Area in the Office of the Vice President Research at the University of Alberta (September 2021 to March 2023). She co-lead the creation of the Institute for Intersectionality Studies at the University of Alberta.
Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Black and Racialized Peoples’ Health and Full Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary.

Jaâfar Heikel
Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Specialist in Infectious Diseases and Public Health, and Health Economist, CEPN, Sorbonne-Paris.
Prof. Jaafar Heikel is a renowned epidemiologist, public health expert, and health economist. He currently serves as the Director of the Laboratory of Medical Evaluation and Health Economics at the International School of Public Health in Morocco and is the President of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the International University of Casablanca. He is also a researcher in Health Economics at Sorbonne Paris North University.
His expertise encompasses epidemiology, public health, and health economics. His expertise in infectious diseases, health economics, and public health makes him a sought-after consultant for international organizations like the WHO and the World Bank.
With a robust portfolio of over 235 scientific publications and communications, Prof. Heikel is a prolific contributor to the academic and medical communities.
Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Specialist in Infectious Diseases and Public Health, and Health Economist, CEPN, Sorbonne-Paris.

Kenza Zerrou
Director of Innovative Finance at the the World Health Organization.
Kenza Zerrou is a leading expert in innovative finance, specializing in the development of financial strategies and instruments that synchronize public and private capital to strengthen domestic funding initiatives. With a proven track record in designing and launching pioneering financing platforms, Kenza successfully established the first financial platform supporting Primary Health Care (PHC), bringing together multilateral development banks and the World Health Organization (WHO) to mobilize greater investments at the country level. This initiative leverages WHO’s expertise to enhance coordination, minimize fragmentation, and maximize impact.
At WHO, Kenza founded the Innovative Finance Unit, laying the groundwork for new financial instruments designed around key performance indicators (KPIs) and blended financing models. These efforts have enabled the creation of sustainable, results-driven funding mechanisms that optimize resources for global health priorities.
Beyond WHO, Kenza has extensive experience managing and overseeing cross-sectoral programs in collaboration with key international partners, including the OECD, ILO, EIB, EU, FAO, and OIE. A key driver of resource mobilization and strategic partnerships, she has played a pivotal role in securing funding for innovative finance projects spanning health, education, energy and employment.
Recognized for her ability to bridge policy and investment, Kenza has also led the organization of high-level policy dialogues, international conferences, and donor forums, advancing discussions and fundraising efforts in innovative finance. Her work continues to shape sustainable finance strategies that drive systemic impact at a global scale.
Director of Innovative Finance at the the World Health Organization.

Saverio Stranges
Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Director of the Africa Institute.
Dr. Saverio Stranges is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics within the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University in Canada. He holds cross-appointments as Professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Medicine. At Western University, he is also Director of the Africa Institute. Dr. Stranges completed his medical education in 1996 (cum laude), and specialty training in Preventive and Public Health Medicine in 2000 at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy. He then completed the requirements for a PhD Program in Epidemiology and Environmental Health in the Department of Epidemiology & Environmental Health at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2004. In 2005, Dr. Stranges began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at SUNY Buffalo. Thereafter, he was an Associate Clinical Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology in the Division of Health Sciences at the University of Warwick in the UK. Prior to his appointment at Western University, he worked as Scientific Director of the Department of Population Health within the Luxembourg Institute of Health.
Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Director of the Africa Institute.

Adel Guitouni
Professor and Researcher, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria.
Adel Guitouni is an award-winning associate professor of management sciences, operations research and decision support systems at the Gustavson School of Business. His PhD and master-level students benefit from his multi-disciplinary approach to teaching and professional activities, which includes his work with the Canadian government where he directed large scientific teams involved with major events and strategic initiatives such as the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and G8/G20 summits, and a variety of projects with the Canadian Forces.
Since 2011, Adel has actively engaged in several educational activities that support the democratic transition and socio-economic development in the MENA region (i.e., Tunisia and Libya) from providing coaching sessions to senior government officials to obtaining grant funding to develop the country’s leadership capacity. In 2014 in partnership with Tunisian higher education institutions, he established a not-for-profit non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship development and innovation.
Professor and Researcher, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024
- Notification to authors: July 15, 2024
- Conference date: 23-25, 2024
Publication Opportunities :
The International Journal of Emerging Markets – ISSN: 1746-8809
South African Journal of Business Management – ISSN: 2078-5585
African Journal of Climate Studies – ISSN: 3005-4613
Management and Sustainability: An Arab Review – ISSN: 2752-9819
Day 2: February 18, 2025
Driving Climate Action and Innovative Solutions for Africa's Future
9:00 AM – 09:15 AM: Keynote Speech
Harnessing the Youth Bulge: Creative Pathways to Africa’s Demographic Dividend

Lahcen Haddad
Vice-President of the House of Councillors, Kingdom of Morocco.
Lahcen Haddad has been Minister of Tourism with the Government of Morocco between 2012 and 2016. As Minister, he has overseen the shift of Morocco towards becoming a leading destination in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East and a reference country with regards to sustainable tourism. Before joining the Government in January 2012, Dr. Haddad worked as an international expert in strategic studies, democracy, governance and development, and as a certified expert in strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, diversity and entrepreneurship.
Vice-President of the House of Councillors, Kingdom of Morocco.
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM : Session 3: Addressing the Impact of Climate Change: Migration and Economic Realities for a Resilient Africa
Focusing on the relationship between climate change and migration, and its implications for building resilience in Africa.

António Henriques da Silva
Founder and Managing Director, INVEST-A; Expert in Investment Promotion and Economic Development
A senior executive with more than 22 years of experience in various sectors of private and public business activity, from petroleum and gas, telecommunications, television and manufacturing.
Visionary and creative, with a positive attitude and firm commitment to excellence. High-sought for his expertise in organizational change management, António achieves best results with an open and entrepreneurial leadership style. He is highly effective in planning, negotiation and intercultural communication, as well as applies problem-solving techniques towards process management.
Founder and Managing Director, INVEST-A; Expert in Investment Promotion and Economic Development

Balgis Osman Elasha
Climate Change and Green Growth Expert with African Development Bank
Dr. Balgis Osman Elasha is a Climate Change and Green Growth Expert with African Development Bank. Osman-Elasha’s work has received global attention. A lead author of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, she was among a select few to represent the group in 2007 in Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, next to Al Gore. The following year, she was awarded the UN’s Champions of the Earth Prize.
The US State Department invited her to the United States in 2008 to take part in a science diplomacy programme, where she gave lectures on climate change at several American universities. Balgis Osman Elasha holds a PhD in Forestry Science, Master in Environmental Science and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with honor in Forestry and Agricultural Science.
Climate Change and Green Growth Expert with African Development Bank

Melanie Katsivo
Associate Director, Programs & Partnerships, The Africa Institute & International Partnerships Lead, Frugal Biomedical Innovations Program.
Melanie has a PhD in Educational Communication and Technology (Focus on Health Promotion), a Master’s Degree in Sociology (Focus on health )and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Nutrition and Human Ecology). Melanie N. Katsivo leads the effective implementation and embedding of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) tactics and strategies for the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. She oversees EDI related projects, provides guidance and advice on best practices and collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders to identify key areas of activity and build a commitment for change. Dr. Katsivo is also the Associate Director of Partnerships and Programs for the Africa Institute at Western University, a role that is complimentary and supportive to the EDID goals of the School. She is currently leading a Global Skills Opportunities project that is funded by Employment and Skills Development Canada, which will offer a foundational certificate in EDIDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization and Indigeneity) as well as international experiential learning opportunities, to 102 under-represented, equity –seeking undergraduate students in health professions programs at Western University and the University of Manitoba. Dr. Katsivo is engaged in several active research projects as a Member of the Western Center for Climate Change, Sustainable Livelihoods and Health, as well as of a Western Strategic Priority Project, titled Frugal Biomedical Innovations Program.
Associate Director, Programs & Partnerships, The Africa Institute & International Partnerships Lead, Frugal Biomedical Innovations Program.

Nouzha Bouchareb
Former Minister of Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy of Morocco.
Elle est née à Tanger1. Elle obtient un diplôme d'ingénieur spécialisé en environnement et en développement territorial à l'École Mohammadia d'ingénieurs, ainsi qu'un diplôme en gestion des entreprises à l'Institut supérieur de commerce et d'administration des entreprises2 et un diplôme en gestion des ressources en eau de l'université Mohammed-V de Rabat
Elle est membre du conseil national du Mouvement populaire, un parti de droite d'idéologie berbériste. Elle est élue en juillet 2019 à la tête de l'Organisation de la femme harakie, la branche féminine du Mouvement populaire
Elle est aussi présidente d'une ONG, Connecting Group International, qui promeut l'égalité des chances et la parité, notamment dans les institutions et lieux de pouvoir
Le 9 octobre 2019, elle rejoint le gouvernement El Otmani II au poste de ministre de l'Aménagement du territoire national, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et de la Politique de la ville, succédant à Abdelahad Fassi Fihri. Fatima-Zahra Mansouri prend sa suite le 7 octobre 2021.
Former Minister of Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy of Morocco.

Rihab Abba
Professor and Researcher, ESCA Ecole de Management.
Rihab ABBA holds a Ph.D. in advertising speech from Hassan II University in Mohammedia, as well as a postgraduate diploma in French language and literature.
From 2001 to 2004, Dr Rihab ABBA worked as a program manager at the Afrique Challenge office for continuing education, then as general manager of Capermar, two subsidiaries in Morocco of the COGEFI Afrique group. She was head of the educational department at ESCA Ecole de Management Casablanca from 2004 to 2006.
Dr Rihab ABBA has been teaching communication and management courses since 1999. His areas of expertise are business communication, problem solving and complexity management.
In 2017, jointly with co-author Dr Zoulikha MAAROUFI, she received the award for the best case study in the TEMPUS PORFIRE project, a multi-country joint project funded by the European Union. The same year, Dr. Rihab ABBA received the prize for best innovation in education at ESCA Ecole de Management.
Dr Rihab ABBA is a faculty member and researcher at ESCA School of Management, where she is also in charge of the international business program.
Professor and Researcher, ESCA Ecole de Management.
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM : Coffee Break and Networking
11:15 AM - 12:45 PM : Session 4 – From Tensions to Trust: Fostering Dialogue for Co-Prosperity in Africa
Discussions on fostering trust among nations, societies, and institutions for collective prosperity.

Abdou Souleye Diop
Managing Partner of Mazars in Morocco and
President of the Africa Commission of the CGEM.
This individual is not a direct affiliate of the Policy Center for the New South. They have contributed to one or more of our events, publications, or projects. Please contact the individual at their home institution.
Mr Abdou Souleye Diop is Partner of Mazars, a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm. He is the Managing Partner of Mazars in Morocco, member of the Board of Mazars in Africa and the Middle East and he is in charge of the Business Development of the Group in this region. Mr Diop has been practicing for over thirty years in advisory and audit across the african continent for governments, public interest companies or large corporates and international donors on strategic subjects, sector reforms or development policies. He also accompanies numerous moroccan companies in their development on the African continent such as banks, insurance companies, telecom companies, industrials, real estate companies… Mr Diop is the Chairman of the committee chair "Africa" of CGEM, the moroccan employers. He is in charge of strengthening economic relations between Morocco and its partners on the continent.
Managing Partner of Mazars in Morocco and
President of the Africa Commission of the CGEM.

Driss Benomar
Founder and Chairman, Atlantis Center for Research and Geostrategic Studies.

Mohamed Abdirizak
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia.
Mohamed Abdirizak is a former minister of foreign affairs in Somalia. He previously also served as Senior Advisor to two presidents. He is a member of the UN Central Emergency Response Fund advisory group.
As the Managing Director of the Platform for Political Dialogue and Accommodation in Somalia, Mohamed led an initiative that engaged with Somali leaders and the public to help formulate options for addressing outstanding constitutional questions.
As a country director for the National Democratic Institute (NDI), he led a team of experts who contributed to the efforts that ended the transitional period in Somalia by vigorously supporting and promoting the development and adoption of Somalia’s provisional constitution.
As a senior political advisor to the UN-SRSG for Somalia, Mohamed played an active role in the Djibouti peace process, helping facilitate an agreement that paved the way for the second Transitional Federal Government.
Mr. Abdirizak has a master’s in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia.

Luís Filipe Tavares
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Cape Verde.
Luís Filipe L. Tavares was born in Praia, Cape Verde, on August 25, 1965. He holds degrees in Economic Geography and Political Science from the University of Rouen (France, 1991). Mr. Tavares has had an extensive career in public service and diplomacy, including serving as First Deputy Mayor of Praia (1992), Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Cape Verde (2001), and Director General for Decentralization at the Ministry of Finance and Regional Development (2002). He has been a professor at the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde since 2003. Mr. Tavares was awarded the title of "Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite" by the President of France in 2008.
He was elected Vice-President of the Movement for Democracy (MpD) in 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2023, and has served as a Member of the National Assembly since 2016. Mr. Tavares was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense from 2016 to 2021. Since 2022, he has been an international consultant specializing in diplomacy, defense, peace, and security.
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Cape Verde.

Saad Laraqui
Associate Dean of Research, ESCA Ecole de Management.
Mr. Saad Laraqui worked at the University of Maryland Global Campus for two decades as a professor and Director of Continuing and Executive Education Programs at the School of Business in charge of the MBA (Master of Business Administration), DBA (Doctorate of Business administration) and several management certifications.
Recently, he was Director of the Youth Support Program at the OCP Foundation in charge of implementing a policy to support young people for their integration into the Moroccan economic fabric through the development of professional skills and entrepreneurial spirit. It is also in this context that he was a member of the team responsible for setting up the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University of Benguerir. He also held the position of Founding Dean of the Business School and Director of the Business, Management, Finance and Taxation Pole at the International University of Rabat.
His research topics include foreign direct investment, economic integration, competitiveness, globalization of the world economy (with a regional focus on the Middle East and North Africa), and the activities of multinational companies.
Associate Dean of Research, ESCA Ecole de Management.
12:45 PM - 1:00 PM : Closing Remarks
Summary of key insights and outcomes from the discussions, highlighting actionable next steps and reinforcing the collective commitment to driving meaningful change across Africa.

Aziz Qadiri
Chair of the Strategic Council at ESCA Ecole de Management.

Saul Klein
Executive Director, Forum de Victoria Forum.
Saul Klein was a Professor of International Business in the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria (Canada), where he served as Dean from 2012 to 2023.
Born in Zimbabwe, Saul has had a broad-ranging career spanning developing, developed and transition countries. He holds a BA in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) and MBA and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto (Canada). From 1996 to 2001, before joining the Gustavson School, he was the SA Breweries Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Wits Business School (South Africa). Previously, he was a Senior Fellow in Marketing at the National University of Singapore. He has also held full-time appointments at Wake Forest University and Northeastern University in the United States, and has been a visiting professor at Melbourne Business School (Australia).
Executive Director, Forum de Victoria Forum.
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