Our Contribution to the 78th edition of ESD Conference in Aveiro (Portuga) has as subject: Study of Moroccan soft power in times of the covid-19 health crisis. This paper was carried out with Abdelghani LEBBAR Phd student at Abdelmalek Essaadi University. Through this communication we believe thant Morocco like other countries around the world places the coronavirus among its main priorities but still the examination and analysis of the impact of the health crisis compared to other countries on the continent and other countries in the world shows the effectiveness and efficiency of the taken measures. Nevertheless Morocco has also benefited of this crisis to strengthen ties with African countries and consolidate its soft power.

In addition to that King Mohammed VI launched on April 13 2020 an initiative of the Heads of States of the African continent to enable the sharing of experience and good practices to deal with the multidimensional impact of pandemic. Moreover Morocco has proposed concret solutions to support African countries in the management of the health crisis in its various stages. The Moroccan model in the management of the health crisis has been approved by the WHO and other international organizations the same model has been used as a means to strengthen the position of Moroccan soft power in Africa and in the rest of the world. Moroccan companies based in Africa have also contributed to strengthening Morocco's soft power in Africa in Abidjan for example a Moroccan company "UNIVERS DES EPI" donated a large batch of medical kits to the health ministry. Such initiatives have allowed Morocco to strengthen its geopolitical position in the continent and transmitting a message to African countries that Morocco is faithful to the historical ties and its commitments even in crises.
Morocco has harvested the fruits of its soft power strategy in the era of the covid-19 health crisis through the strengthening of its territorial integrity with a drilling historical diplomatic crowned by the recognition of several African countries of full sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over the Sahara. Furthermore Morocco has signed several economic and social cooperation agreements with several African countries.
The Moroccan pragmatical approach in managing the health crisis is limited not only to the health dimension but also a political and geopolitical dimension. The paper analyzes the role of the measures taken by the Moroccan authorities in strengthening Moroccan soft power through the following axes :
1. Covid-19 and Africa: Morocco a model in crisis health management?
2. Perspectives on the soft power tools of Morocco in the context of the health crisis.
3. Impact of COVID-19 on Moroccan’s soft power in Africa.
4. After Covid-19: Perspectives on Moroccan’s soft power.