The CCLF 2023 is a two-day forum that provides an interdisciplinary space for researchers, business leaders, educators, and policymakers to collectively think, challenge existing practices, and develop innovative approaches to management sciences in an era of unprecedented environmental turbulence. The CCLF 2023 is an initiative of Business Schools for Climate Leadership Africa (BS4CL Africa) with the support of PRME Africa and as a contribution to COP28.
The first day of the forum will host the CCLF Scientific Day under the theme:
"Leading the Way to Addressing Climate Change in Africa: The Role of Business Schools and Management Sciences."
The conference welcomes context-specific theoretical and empirical research that helps demystify the key transformations that must take place in the theory and practice of management to effectively contribute to climate action in Africa.
The second day brings together leaders from business, academia, government, and civil society for a lively debate and interactive workshop. This platform aims to collectively challenge the status quo in practice and research and pave the way for a more climate-aware management education agenda.
Opening Forum
Thursday, November 23
8:30 – 9:00 : Registration & Welcome Coffee
9:00 – 9:15 : Opening Remarks
Thami Ghorfi, President, ESCA Ecole de Management
Fadwa Chaker, Chair, Scientific Committee, CCLF 2023
I. The Climate Action Challenge: A Multi-lens Perspective
9:15 – 10:15 : The Climate Action Challenge in Academia and Business
Moderator :
Fadwa Chaker, Chair, Scientific Committee, CCLF 2023
Speakers :
• William Khamasi, Head of Sustainability, Stanbic Bank (Kenya)
• Badr Ikken, Executive President, Gi3, President of the Green Economy and Decarbonation Commission, CGEM (General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises) (Morocco)
• Jako Volschenk, Associate Professor, Stellenbosch Business School
10:15 – 11:15 Le Maroc en Action pour le Climat : Quelles Synergies des Parties Prenantes ?
Moderator :
Saad Laraqui, Director of Research, ESCA Ecole de Management
Speakers :
• Abdellatif Komat, Doyen, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques, et Sociales, Université Hassan II, Casablanca (Morocco)
• Rachid Benabbou, Directeur Développement Durable, Ministère de la Transition Energétique et du Développement Durable (Morocco)
• Abderrahim Ksiri, Président, AESVT, Membre du CESE (Conseil Economique, Social, et Environnemental) (Morocco)
• Hassan Agouzoul, Directeur, SDG Action Strategy (Morocco)
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 11:45 Group Photo, Main Hall
II. Scientific Papers Presentations
11:45 – 13:00 Track 1: Climate Change, Finance, and Innovation
13:00 – 14:30 Luncheon
14:30 – 16:00 Track 2: Gender Equity and Social Responsibility
16:00 – 17:30 Track 3: Sustainability and Responsible Investments
17:30 – 17:45 Closing Remarks
• Jako Volschenk, Associate Professor, Stellenbosch Business School
19:00 – 20:30 Dinner
Stakeholders Forum
Friday, November 24
8:30 – 9:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
9:00 – 9:10 Welcome Address
• Thami Ghorfi, President, ESCA Ecole de Management
I. Keynote Address
9:10 – 9:30 Ahmed Reda Chami, President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), former Minister of Industry, Trade, and New Technologies (Morocco)
II. Addressing Climate Change in Africa: A Pluralistic Approach
9:30 – 11:30 Stakeholders Forum
Moderator :
Majid K. El Ghaib, Professor of Management, Director of the Social Innovation and Sustainability Institute, ESCA Ecole de Management
Speakers :
Business Schools
• Sherif Kamel, Dean, School of Business, The American University in Cairo (Egypt)
• David Chiawo, Dean, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Strathmore University (Kenya)
Private Sector
• Lamia Derraji, Principal Banker, Financial Institutions, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (Morocco)
• Youssef Chaqor, Co-Founder and CEO, Inveko Green, Vice President, Sustainable Development Commission, CGEM (General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises) (Morocco) – TBC
Governmental and Multilateral Institutions
• Carole Megevand, Sector Leader Sustainable Development, World Bank Group (Maghreb and Malta)
• Abdalah Mokssit, Secretary General, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Non-Governmental Sector
• Iskander Erzini Vernoit, Co-Founder and Director, Imal Initiative for Climate and Development (Morocco)
Students and Youth
•Samita Mwanicky, SDG Program Coordinator, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Youth Initiative, Strathmore University (Kenya)
• Elyazid Dehebi, Sustainable Development Bureau, ESCA Ecole de Management (Morocco)
III. The Casablanca Call for Climate Leadership Action
11:30 – 11:45 Closing Session: The Casablanca Call for Climate Leadership Action
Fadwa Chaker, Chair, Scientific Committee, CCLF 2023
11:45 – 12:00 Award Ceremony
12:00 – 12:15 Group Photo, Main Hall
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch Cocktail
13:30 – 14:30 Press Conference

Business Schools for Climate Leadership Africa.
Business Schools for Climate Leadership (BS4CL) Africa is an initiative that brings together six leading African business schools to build a collaborative framework for climate action in management education, in conjunction with the private sector and civil society, mirroring the ambitions of the UN Climate Conferences COP27 and COP 28. These business schools are The American University in Cairo, Egypt, ESCA Ecole de Management in Morocco, the Gordon Institute of Business Science in South Africa, Lagos Business School in Nigeria, the School of Tourism and Hospitality at Strathmore University in Kenya, and Stellenbosch Business School in South Africa.
BS4CL Africa was launched as part of the Deans’ Roundtable which was hosted by the American University in Cairo on the side-lines of COP 27 in November 2022, and which gathered deans from the six business schools and representatives from the African Chapter of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) and the European Business Schools for Climate Leadership (BS4CL).
The Campus
Contact Us
ESCA Ecole de Management
Place Financière (CFC)
20250 Casablanca - Maroc